Cøbra: Don't encourage small Bitcoin buyers. Because it's easy to think Bitcoin is dumb because it lost.

2021-1-16 15:07
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Cøbra, owner of Bitcoin.org writes, tweeted not encouraging people to buy small amounts of Bitcoin! Especially in this bull market, if someone walks in and only buys $ 10-20 worth of bitcoin, by the time they are trying to "manage their keys" they quickly lose everything because of the price. They may think BTC is stupid.

BTC is up 1.05% in 5 minutes and currently stands at $ 36,451.81.
BTC gained 1.05% in 5 minutes, and the gain was US $ 378.95, which is now the Huobi global price of $ 36,451.81. Longer market alerts, quickly add product options to APP, activate intelligent market tracking, faster step, maintain capital investment.
2021-1-16 15:06