OCC Executive Director: Government may announce effective crypto procedures within the next six to eight weeks.

2020-12-4 21:52
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According to CoinDesk on December 4, the Office of Chief Operating Officer (OCC) Bryan Brooks said on CNBC that the Trump administration will announce its cryptocurrency best practices and best practices over the past few days, according to CoinDesk. . At the time of his tenure ... it looks like the crypto-bank's realization will come within the next 6-8 weeks. Brian Brooks said that you don't need 50 rules for encryption, but the authorization rules should be clear. The answer for banks should be “Direct access to the blockchain as a payment network”. Cryptocurrencies might have been a bubble two years ago, but more obviously there will be great adoption by schools that believe cryptocurrencies are real, and these schools are already starting to do so. He also said that regulatory awareness is now driving cryptocurrency prices up.

Diem, a stable crypto project developed by Facebook, has a TPS testnet of 6 TPS per second.
According to the Stabilitycoin Diem (formerly Libra) cryptocurrency project launched by Facebook, the testnet has been running for 43 days and with blockchain browser updates, the average performance of the Diem network can make 6 purchases per second. The price is 24. In comparison, the TPS between the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks is 4 to 13 transactions per second. The network tester wants to measure the performance and performance of the network. In total, 31,184 sites on testnet hold a total of nearly 10,000 billion LBR tokens and sites with more than 9,100 billion LBR tokens. DM plans to introduce the testnet to consumers, consumers and businesses for information. Recent news reported that the Libra Association planned to form the first solid currency organization backed by the US dollar in January of next year.
2020-12-4 21:34