DeFi Zapper.Fi Device Management Platform Adds Support for CurveFinance Performance of Pool Transitions

2020-11-30 10:00
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DeFi Zapper.Fi management tools platform announced a new feature that allows Curve Finance providers to perform money transfers. The principle of this action consists of two stages: the withdrawal of a liquid pool then the adhesion to another liquid pool. This means that in the supplier market more different tokens are needed and therefore more expensive.

OurBit Daily Solution: Bitcoin has risen again, but we should still beware of market recalls.
OurBit Gold Medal Analyst Coin Panel Zhuge Liang: On the calendar, the average of the Bollinger Band path is gradually rising, price has not broken its key support level after the rally, start again, and the bulls have done well in a day. However, the return rate does not violate the frontline limit of 18850 and can still be recalled in the modern market. It is not recommended to continue ascent blind. The market is now back, but the decline is not going away. Zhuge said the peak was until 18850 or the market should be warned again. In the short-term chart, the Bollinger bands are slowly flattening and the rate is approaching the middle rail. The whole design is to make the joints more current, and operation at higher altitudes is sufficient.
2020-11-30 09:57