Bitfly: There are now more Ethereum nodes than Bitcoin nodes.

2020-11-30 06:36
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Bitfly, the parent company of the Ethermine mining pool, tweeted that there are now more Ethereum nodes than Bitcoin nodes. There are 11,137 Ethereum nodes and 10,981 Bitcoin nodes.

Bitfly: There are now more Ethereum nodes than Bitcoin nodes.

Daily stock: superior design is the starting point, digital results accelerate
The Securities Daily reported today in an article that "a leading design has been achieved and the digital results have accelerated." The article pointed out that since the beginning of this year, the results of the central bank's research and development have been very rapid. Chen Bo, director of the Center for Digital Finance Research at the Central University of Finance and Economics, said, "Currently being tested in some cities and regions. Some application tests are being conducted under special circumstances. restricted. ”Given the recent situation in Shenzhen, the results are still positive. In the future, small tests will be encouraged and carried out in some driving cities, including Beijing, but it will take time for larger tests.
2020-11-30 06:15