DASH topped 100USDT in a short period of time and gained over 16% in a single day.

2020-11-28 20:28
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According to Huobi Trading, DASH rose again, breaking through the 100 USDT problem in a short time and now has reported a 16.24% increase from 101.68 USDT.

CurveFinance sCIP proposal # 19: Presentation of a new aDAI, aUSDC and aUSDT token pool
Curve Finance announced a new app, sCIP # 19, which describes the new pool of three brands: aDAI / aUSDC / aUSDT. The token is the token based on the income of the AAVE. Pools allow traders to trade valuable tokens to quickly convert them into higher returns. Potential vendors of these tokens can also earn exchange rates for these tokens.
2020-11-28 20:24