The second phase of the public IOTachrysalis testnet will be released soon, mainly to test new features.

2020-11-28 17:26
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According to Crypto News Flash, the second phase of IOTA Chrysalis's startup is approaching the end of the year. The modified IOTA mainnet, originally slated for release in October, is now slated for “the start of the new year 2021”. According to a recent update from Jakub Cech, director of the IOTA Foundation, Chrysalis performed well in phase two. Regarding the release of the testnet, Cech explained that the IOTA Foundation had tried to work on a new Chrysalis on its own testnet. Now, they say, "we're working on integrating everything we need to make our testnet users public." According to Cech, this includes near completion of the CLI wallet, a new faucet, a complete process, software stability, with JavaScript bindings and with JavaScript bindings. Regarding the schedule, Cech said his current goal was "to have the necessary equipment ready by next week." It is also said that an important role of the second stage of the pupa is to detect new characteristics.

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2020-11-28 16:52