MakerDAO Open Insurers on ETH-A Day Limit Increase

2020-11-28 02:42
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According to a blog post, on November 28, the Justice Committee and the Founders Association formed a coalition of leaders to vote in their election. If the law is approved, it will be amended as follows: 1. ETH-A debt limit increased from 490 million DAI to 590 million DAI 2. Increase of the global electricity grid from 1,481,750,000 DAI to 1,581,750,000 DAI.

US stocks close: three major stocks closed, Nasdaq climbs nearly 3% this week
US Stocks Closed: Three major markets closed together. The Dow Jones rose 0.13%, the S&P by 0.24% and the Nasdaq by 0.92%. The S&P 500 is up 2.27% this week, the Dow Jones is up 2.21% and the Nasdaq is up 2.96%.
2020-11-28 02:24