Binance liquidated a total of US $ 44,577,900 in the past hour.

2020-11-24 14:29
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According to Golden Fruit data, in the last hour, OKEx has liquidated a total of $ 13,117,900, with Huobi Global totaling $ 24,775,200, Binance totaling $ 44,577,900 and the BTC perpetual contract of the BitMEX platform. liquidated a total of $ 3,093. .

Curve supports the addition of wZEC and renZEC pool investments and intends to include CRV in Bancor's mining industry plans.
, the exchange platform of Stabilitycoin Curve published an article announcing the progress of the regulatory position on November 24, which passed the approval of additional ZEC anchor coins wZEC and renZEC, and announced the pTokens group Bitcoin Anchor Coin pBTC. Added by Metapool. In addition, sCIP No. 17 proposes to use community funds to integrate CRV into Bancor's new liquid extraction plan. At the same time, the distribution of administrative costs (about US $ 3 million) has reached the electorate, and at the end of the voting process, the distribution will start as 3CRV (LP tokens of TriPool).
2020-11-24 14:27