Neo Founder: Bitcoin is considered a stable asset in spreads.

2020-11-23 01:31
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According to the Cointelegraph on November 22, Neo founder Da Hongfei said that in the new virus, more and more organizations and people have started to accept Bitcoin. Because in these difficult times, Bitcoin is considered one of the most valuable assets. Da Hongfei believes the contagion proves that we need not only blockchain, but a digital and smart market as well. He said looking to the future requires breaking the norms of the present and promoting globalization and a truly digital world that can be transformed, transformed and functioned well.

Ripple Executives: Cryptocurrency Remittances Reveal Strength of Financial Infrastructure in New Crown Scourge
According to the Cointelegraph on November 22, Ashheesh Birla, senior director of the products and construction industry at Ripple, said the new disease has sparked controversy and that disparities in financial education for many with and without Bank accounts. Of these, the poor pay the most, and remittances range from US $ 200 to US $ 14. Ripple uses cryptocurrencies and blockchain to make faster, cheaper, and more reliable cross-border payments, helping to lower the cost of refunds. At the same time, as large companies such as PayPal and Square venture into the use of encryption technology, people's interest in the field has increased more than ever, pushing the release of technology technology encryption. in the key. Identifying these companies has led to a better appreciation of the value of cryptocurrencies and an improvement in their ability to do better work for their businesses and consumers.
2020-11-23 01:26