White Hat Hacker: PickleFinance attackers steal money from the forging center.

2020-11-22 05:54
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According to the Cointelegraph report from Nov. 21, for Pickle Financial, nearly $ 20 million was lost due to the weakness, said Emiliano Bonassi, a white hat assassin and co-founder of DeFi Italy. It is a smart contract. It has the same interface as the old box, but it does things differently. The attackers then exchanged money between their "evil urn" and real cDAI and stole $ 20 million in deposits.

Data: The total configuration of Bitcoin ATMs worldwide reaches 12,237.
According to statistics from CoinATMRadar, a total of 701 new Bitcoin ATMs have been installed worldwide since November 1. As of November 14, there were 12,237 Bitcoin ATMs spread around the world.
2020-11-22 05:39