Filecoin released version Lotusv1.1.2, with miners not being upgraded or some blocks not being recognized.

2020-10-25 20:37
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According to Filecoin member Molly, Lotus v1.1.2 was released to address another major issue with changing user keys in v1.1.1. Please update all miners and node owners to lotusv1.1.2 as soon as possible to ensure that the blocks are fully extended and accepted on the network. Miners will be able to skip certain blocks and lose their rewards before upgrading to 1.1.2, so the faster the better.

Data: The number of nodes in the Bitcoin Lightning network is 14,251.
According to 1ML data, the current number of Bitcoin Lightning Network nodes is 14,251, which is an increase of 2.26% over the past 30 days, the number of channels is 35,556, a decrease of 4.01% over the past 30 days and reduced network capital. . 1,037.59 BTC, down 6.58% over the past 30 days.
2020-10-25 20:31