President of the Central Bank of the Philippines: There is still work to be done to make the CBDC a reality

2020-10-22 19:04
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According to a report released by the Cointelegraph on October 22, the President of the Central Bank of the Philippines, Benjamin Diokno, said his research on digital bank accounts has been found to be more effective in making the digital banking company a reality. In the news this morning, Benjamin Diokno said that a handful of central banks are preparing to launch their own digital tokens.

Open positions on Deribit Bitcoin options hit a record high of US $ 1.8 billion.
The opening of Deribit Bitcoin options reached an all-time high with a face value of $ 1.8 billion, according to data from Skew on October 22. Deribit Bitcoin options were announced to hold 73% of the market.
2020-10-22 18:55