BTC comes back to 12,900 USDT

2020-10-22 18:19
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According to Huobi Markets, BTC rebounded slightly in the short term and fell back to 12,900 USDT. It is currently reported at 12,906.29 USDT, up 1.38%.

Huobi Pool Open 5x Gift Luna Lockup Mining
According to Huobi Mining Pool, the platform will announce the event "LUNA Locked Mining Carnival Month, 5x Rewards Waiting for You" from October 23, 2020 to November 22, 2020. At the time of the event, users can select a shutdown plan (easy withdrawal, 7 days, 30 days, 60 days, 90 days) to close LUNA in the Huobi mining pool and receive 5 times the price. The longer the closing time, the higher the reward. Currently, Huobi Total Mining is closed on T-Day, and rewards are calculated on T-1 days and awarded on T-2 days.
2020-10-22 18:19