Juan Bennett: Now the Filecoin network doesn't need to be measured.

2020-10-20 11:45
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Filecoin developer Juan Bennett tweeted: “The network now has a lot of features and we don't need to add more just yet. At this point, the network should send sensitive data and information to the users to better utilize the capacity of the network.

Currency ZB gained 8.10%.
According to data from the official website of Chinese currency (ZB), in 24 hours, the highest interest rate of ZB currency is 8.10%, the current rate increase is 7.56%. , the highest price was 1.83QC (around 0.27 USDT), and now the rising price is 1.83 QC (around 0.27 USDT). ) not seen. The price is 1.81 QC (up to 0.27 USDT). The market is not changing, so please pay close attention to the risks.
2020-10-20 11:43