IMF: Central Bank's Digital Currencies May Strain Over "Money Transformation"

2020-10-20 10:47
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According to a Golden Ten report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said digital banking and fixed income banks could lead to an "exchange rate" crisis, using currency abroad instead of spending money at home. Fluctuations in exchange rates can make the police less able to control household income, reduce the security of cash requirements, and have the impact of weak financial policy. Using these technologies without adequate protection can also encourage illegal access.

Huobi Mining Pool FIL Lockup Mining Will Open Soon, 10 Times First Week Lockdown Rewards
According to Huobi Mining Pool News, the platform will launch the FIL Lock mining function from 6:00 pm on October 20, 2020, and launch the “FIL Lock” where you can enjoy 10x rewards in the first place during the week ”. Locking FIL in Huobi Mining Pool will double your reward, minimum FIL locks is 8 and it will take 3 days to remove FIL once permanently locked. First weight: "Choose museums and mines" to get the HPT. Users who choose a closed loop plan that closes ≥ 8 FILs in the mining pool after the lock is opened will receive HPT daily. The more locks, the longer the downtime and the more HPT you get. Second: download HPT and get more airdrops. As part of the “Huobi Mining Pool Global Token Model”, each user holding 10,000 HPT or more on Huobi will receive EOS, TRX, ONG, CMT, IOST, ETH, IRIS, ATOM, NULS, BTM, NEW, VSYS, ARPA, LXT. , LOL, CRO, QTUM, BHD, BTT, GXC, TT, DASH, NEST, KSM, DOT airdrop. It is understood that the set "Lock WIRE to enjoy 10x rewards" is from 6:00 p.m. Singapore time from October 20, 2020 to 6:00 p.m. from October 26, 2020.
2020-10-20 10:44