Foreign press: Portugal appeared from the next European blockchain space

2020-10-20 06:01
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Block said in a statement that Portugal had complied with tax breaks for foreigners after the financial crisis. With the recent description of cryptocurrency, Korea has gradually improved to become the best place to work and live. Block says Portugal could become the next European blockchain hub.

DataDash Founder: Bitcoin aims to reach $ 30,000 by the end of 2021.
Bitcoin analyst Nicholas Merten, founder of YouTube crypto channel DataDash, believes she is currently at the forefront of the long-term bull market, according to The Daily Hodl. Merten believes the BTC correction that started in mid-August is now over, with Bitcoin holding over $ 10,000. Merton now believes that Bitcoin will move slowly, in the meantime it will take some time to reverse the trend from support to support. Bitcoin is expected to hit an all-time high of at least $ 30,000 by the end of 2021, according to a report by Merten.
2020-10-20 05:25