Huobi Global starts trading VET / HUSD and BTM / HUSD today at 11:00 am.

2020-9-25 10:13
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According to the announcement, Huobi Global will begin trading VET / HUSD and BTM / HUSD on September 25, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.

JGNDeFi announced the second edition of the JuggarSwap rewards pool with a total of JGN 60,000.
According to the latest announcement, JGN DeFi official website announced the second phase of the beta of JuggarSwap on September 25, 2020, 10:00 a.m. Beijing time, and the first phase, the tradition of two mining lakes continued and increased. will do step 1 reward 3 times. Here Lake 1 promises SKM to get JGN and Lake 2 promises JGN to JGN to get JGN. JGN DeFi is a customized synthetic derivatives exit platform, which supports financial and blockchain companies at heart, creating new, more profitable business models.
2020-9-25 10:08