Transfer 5,000 BTC from an unknown wallet worth $ 54 million to an unknown wallet

2020-9-16 17:32
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According to a survey, on September 16 at 5:19 p.m., 5,000 BTC was sent from an unknown wallet to an unknown wallet address (16FSBGvQfy4K8dYvPPWWpmzgKM6CvrCoVy) with a charge of $ 54 million.

Neo will have to switch to the mainnet and the new version will cover the entire race.
Neo Global Development (NGD), the global development team of the neo-cluster industrial intelligence network, has announced and unveiled a new version of neo-cli v2.12.0, which adjusts maintenance costs for free and more while in operation temporary. Total racing models. NGD will cooperate with the monitoring agreement to complete major network upgrades from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. on September 20, Beijing time. At the same time, this modified mainnet will produce 6,200,000 courageous curves.
2020-9-16 17:32