AOFEX started loaning OT to join DeFi as a mining operation, and their 2 million OT quota was completed in 2 seconds.

2020-9-16 17:15
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According to some reports, AOFEX Exchange today announced the first phase of its involvement in OT loans in DeFi liquid mining, and its 2 million OT loans were completed in total in 2 seconds. The annual return requirement on this project is 50% -400% and the loan term is 14 days. The platform uses the USDT equivalent of 2 million OTs to participate in CRV cash extraction, and the product is completely based on the user's mortgage. . AOFEX will continue to monitor and monitor the water quality of its customers in a timely manner, and users can participate in OT loans. AOFEX is the global digital currency exchange market, which aims to provide clients with the best quality and secure assets.

Huobi Global started trading currency RENBTC today at 5:30 p.m.
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2020-9-16 17:03