The developers of Green Core have come up with management plans to overthrow students and governance models, and are now seeking feedback from the community.

2020-9-16 16:31
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Anonymous Co-Founder of Coin Green, Daniel Lehnberg, announced earlier this month the “Action Plan to Destroy the Student Group and the Business Model”. , better governance models should be designed to replace existing regimes, since only key members can add new key members or remove existing members, and no identification or equivalence. Daniel Lehnberg made several recommendations to the Anonymous, including returning funds, burning funds, splitting the student group, forming a key group, and initiating the application process. . To date, 121 relevant responses have been recorded and Daniel Lehnberg has received suggestions that he believes will improve the situation, either in writing or in the form of an RFC.

Huobi WNXM, SWRV, ANKR, SUN and ACH Perpetual Agreement Announced
According to Huobi data, the ongoing contracts of Huobi WNXM (Wrapped NXM), SWRV (Swerve), ANKR (Ankr), SUN (SUN) and ACH (Alchemy Pay) were announced at 4:00 p.m. in Singapore on September 16. Time. Users can now trade, trade and other platform functions. After the release of 5 popular coins, Huobi Perpetual Swap became the only company to cover the main 60 coins, including more than 26 popular DeFi assets such as LINK, COMP, YFI, etc. The world's largest economy. , DeFi and other reputable products with the best value exchange.
2020-9-16 16:24