Currently, the Ethereum network has destroyed 150.24 million ETH.

2022-1-15 02:33
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According to the Golden Financial report, ultrasound data shows that the current Ethereum network has completely destroyed 1,502,437.23 ETH. Among them, OpenSea destroyed 167948.25 ETH, ETHtransfers destroyed 145702.32 ETH and UniswapV2 destroyed 117171.92 ETH. Note: Following the introduction of EIP-1559 in the Ethereum London upgrade, the Ethereum network dynamically adjusts each industry's BaseFee based on demand and block size, and the share of this cost burns and destroys directly.

Fed Williams: When and how fast inflation will depend on inflation and how the economy grows
Fed Williams: The timing and pace of inflation will depend on inflation and how the economy grows. After seeing significant improvements in the market and rising inflation, it makes sense for the Fed to raise interest rates and simplify policy. (ten gold)
2022-1-15 02:01