Nutthalyne, COO of NEFI: Using Blockchain Technology to Create Smart Contracts

2021-11-25 16:46
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According to official data, on November 25, NEFI's Marketing Director (CMO) Nutthalyne visited the XT newsroom and hosted an AMA online event with XT AMA host Joyce in English group XT and the Chinese team. Commenting on the main mission of the company, Nutthalyne said, “We find that the main problem in the middle market is that there is more fraud and more companies lose money. The decentralized financial system is made up of smart contracts and no one can intervene or change them, making the system fair, transparent and secure. ” XT is a social trading platform.

Curseur Bleu: Create Metauniverse retail, integration as a virtual advertising room
Recently, BlueFocus established a joint venture, "Blue Universe Digital Technology Co., Ltd." Enterprise The layer and team that BlueFocus already has, and the functionality of Virtual IP Realizations covers research and implementation of metaverse related activities. Support. (Title period)
2021-11-25 16:35