ETH hla $4100

2021-10-24 00:04
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ETH has crossed the $ 4,100 mark and is currently priced at $ 4,112.78, with an increase of 0.65%. The market fluctuates enormously. Manage the risk.

XRPL developers can now participate in the second phase of the XRPL program.
In the news on October 23, Elliot Lee of Ripple (former Paypal and Kraken engineer) announced that Ripple X and XRPL Labs have invited all blockchain developers to join the XRPL Grants Program. The second part of the XRPL program will focus on improving the critical technology output of the XRP Ledger and the end user, NFTs and sidechains will be essential, as well as key processes and development tools. At the same time, operations focused on other XRPL-centric applications may also apply for funding. (U. Today)
2021-10-23 23:53