DeversiFi: High fuel costs may be caused by issues with EthereumJS or Ledger library, 7626ETH miner recovery.

2021-9-29 08:25
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On September 29, the non-regulatory DeversiFi exchange released a statement following an analysis of previous oil prices, including 7,676.62 ETH, claiming that a potential issue with EthereumJS Library is linked to the linked fuel exchange. at EIP-1559. In some cases, upgrades can be made and issues with Ledger hardware wallets can cause very high exchange rates. When this happens, only large portfolios can be affected. and other users will notice that the transactions are not working during the operation. Additionally, after Bitfinex traded with the miners, the miners returned 7,626 ETH with the remaining 50 ETH given to the mines based on the return rate. DeversiFi is working with the Ethereum community and Ledger to make sure this doesn't happen again. The main wallet of the Bitfinex exchange is said to have previously traded 100,000 USDT with a total oil price of 7,676.62 ETH (around 2,354 million US dollars). The final beneficiary is not controlled by Bitfinex in 2019.

Christie's will auction the Early Red NFT and the M1 and M2 Mutant Monkey NFT on October 15th.
On September 29, retailer Christie announced that it will host the Spring Ape Yacht Club (Red Wolf) on October 15 during the "20th / 21st Century: London Night Sale". NFT and its NFT M1 and M2 Mutant Ape Yacht Club (mutant red) are competing for space at their point of sale.
2021-9-29 08:27