Co-founder of SatoshiCitadel: Bitcoin cannot be restricted

2021-9-25 11:26
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On September 25, Satoshi Citadel co-founder Miguel Cuneta tweeted that banning Bitcoin is impossible because the network cannot be shut down and the Bitcoin network is still open and available.

TokenPocket, a self-hosted multi-wallet, shuts down some services for consumers in Mainland China
On September 25, TokenPocket, the self-managed multi-wallet, announced the publication of the "Notice on the Protection and Operation of Hype Risks in Virtual Currency Transactions" of 10 temples, including the following, in accordance with the regulations in force. rules. People's banks in China will be closed to Chinese consumers. Disruption of services, termination of third party DApps and other services that may affect operation and failure to comply with "notices" or other proprietary information, or policies. , manage portfolios of key functions (edit, write, DApp browser, etc.) do. International publications are displayed in the compliance area. TokenPocket has stated that it will only work for local users who comply with relevant policies and will cooperate with relevant agencies to investigate and monitor illegal third party content on the platform. All subsequent changes will be as announced.
2021-9-25 11:27