Coinbase announces integration with ApplePay and GooglePay

2021-8-6 00:16
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[Coinbase announces partnership with Apple Pay and Google Pay] Golden Financial announced in a blog post Thursday that Coinbase announced a new partnership with Apple Pay and Google Payments. ApplePay is now available as a payment method when a user who has linked a Visa or Mastercard debit card through Apple Wallet does business with Coinbase through their mobile phone. After this fall, users will be able to purchase cryptocurrencies using Google Pay.

New York City plans to use blockchain to fight contract fraud.
[New York City plans to use blockchain to prevent land purchase contract fraud] Golden Finance has announced that the New York City Department of the Treasury (DOF) will explore the use of blockchain as a way to protect contract lands in the soil dossier. ready. The agency will work with Medici Land Governance (MLG) to develop a proof of concept for blockchain technology for urban data. The project aims to be transparent and reduce the risk of fraud. If completed, a workout feature that connects test users with performance improvements has been followed.
2021-8-5 23:08