172,358 exchanges not confirmed by Ethereum

2021-8-3 22:32
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[172,358 unconfirmed transactions on Ethereum] According to Golden Financial News, according to OKLink data, the number of unconfirmed transactions on Ethereum is 172,358. The current calculated power of the whole network is 531.89 TH / s and the hardness of the whole network is 7.27 p per. , the current holding time is 62,128,838, an increase of 59,245 over the same period last year, the 24-hour chain market volume was 1,969,763.61 ETH, and now the average blocking time is 14 seconds.

Ethereum London and EIP-1559 before Ethereum count power conversion up to 580TH / s
[Ethereum London and EIP-1559 pre-Ethereum computing power upgrades before reaching 580TH / s] According to the news on August 3, Ethereum "London" and EIP-1559 will be updated on the 5th August, and the current amendment contains 23 .. How many hours in a day. According to new data from Bitinfocharts, Ethereum's power count continued to rise last week and increased 2.58% to 579,107 TH / s in the 24 hour period at the time of writing. article. The highest price for the total use of the Ethereum network has been reported to reach 643.8155T as of May 20, 2021. At this point, the number of Ethereum subscribers expected for London and the EIP-1559 update is 1072 (66%), and the number of unplanned Ethereum users is 544 (34%). The three most promising clients were Geth (748), Openethereum (244) and Erigon (70).
2021-8-3 22:14