178,569 changes unconfirmed by Ethereum

2021-8-2 22:30
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[178,569 Unconfirmed Transactions on Ethereum] According to Golden Financial News, according to OKLink data, the number of unconfirmed transactions on Ethereum is 178,569. was 62,027,173, an increase of 54,645 from the same period last year, 24/7 is 1,780,376.03 ETH, and the average build time is now 13 seconds.

Voyager Digital has acquired cryptocurrency payment firm Coinpie for $ 84 million
[Voyager Digital acquires cryptocurrency payments company Coinpie for $ 84 million] On August 2, Voyager Digital, a cryptocurrency trader, announced that it had agreed to acquire Coinpie, a cryptocurrency payment company valued up to $ 84 million in stock and cash. The acquisition will allow Voyager, listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange, to enter the cryptocurrency payments market, given the presence of the Coinify platform in Europe, Asia and the United States, the company said. . According to the exchange, CoinPie investors will receive 5.1 million Voyager shares, valued at around $ 69 million, and $ 15 million in cash. Friday's closing price is C $ 16.9 ($ 13.57). Voyager will have $ 5.5 million in cash on Coinify's balance sheet. (Parts office)
2021-8-2 21:49