Those who know the problem: Goldman Sachs is liquidating crypto ETPs for European hedge fund users.

2021-7-23 23:57
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[Source: Goldman Sachs is liquidating crypto ETPs for European hedge fund users] According to two people familiar with the matter, Goldman Sachs' main brokerage division is to provide exchange-traded products (ETPs) of cryptocurrency for some European hedge fund users.) must be liquidated and liquidated. The foundation said Goldman Sachs is currently offering these services to a limited number of clients and reviewing the banking situation as Goldman Sachs aims to introduce these services to its clients. Goldman Sachs is not the only bank to make this decision. As reported earlier this week, the US Treasury continues to roll out cryptocurrency ETPs for European hedge funds. (Parts office)

UK Treasury opens discussions on implementation of FATF transition rules
[UK Treasury opens talks on implementation of FATF transfer regulations] Golden Finance announced Thursday that the UK Treasury has announced public talks, including plans to use the so-called crypto exchange FATF currencies. . Rules (travel policy).
2021-7-23 23:23