DOGE's 24-hour operating budget is 1.64 billion yuan.

2021-7-23 23:00
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[24-hour DOGE net exit of 1.64 billion yuan] According to data from Golden Financial Monitor, the top three 24-hour net exits in the cryptocurrency market are:

153,775 unconfirmed Ethereum changes
[153,775 unconfirmed transactions on Ethereum] According to Golden Financial News, according to OKLink data, the number of unconfirmed transactions on Ethereum is 153,775. The nominal power of the entire network is 498.86TH / s , the hardness of the whole network is 6.75P. , and the current address is 61,003,369, an increase of 52,560 over the same period last year, with a 24-hour on-chain trading volume of 1,711,799.75 ETH, and time Average production current blocking is 13 seconds.
2021-7-23 22:30