Who is OpenSea's next competitor after LookRare?

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Who is OpenSea's next competitor after LookRare?

Investing in venture capital firm Paradigm, Zora cannot be ignored for two reasons.

1. The bottom product is luxurious. Paradigm has invested in many active stars including Uniswap, Compound, MakerDAO, dYdX, FTX...trust Zora.

2. Zora hasn't donated any coins yet. To celebrate the 1st anniversary of the platform's launch on January 2, Zora announced the "ZORB" series of NFT casting activities, with a total of 56,741 NFTs released by users for free. Legitimate guidelines require NFT management to support the work of First Defenders. In other words, NFT bars will be the main target during airdrops in the future.


In principle, Zora is sponsored by well-known schools, but has not yet announced the platform tokens. If Zora could use Crypto as a weapon in the future, it could pose a threat to OpenSea.

For users, following the 3 steps below has a high chance of getting Zora airdrops.

1. Have ZORB NFT and Complete Discord Certification

↳ Click on https://discord.zora.co/

↳ Register to participate

↳ Click "OK"

↳ Connect your wallet by clicking on the "Ethereum" and "Signature" pop-ups in your wallet.

↳ Click "Join Complaints"

↳ Receive invitations

It's done ! Click on the Discord app again to activate your character.


If you missed the NFT version in the past, you can decide to go directly to the store and buy it.


2. Know Zora products

Since there are many ZORB NFTs, even with Zora's airdrop in the future, the NFT cost is just not high, so we recommend you try more products (https:// zora.co/).

The first is to brush the NFT volume, and you can brush more if something goes wrong.


3. Participate in community management

Referring to the release rules of other activities, community management is also important. If you already have an NFT, we encourage you to get involved in community voting and other activities.

The first vote for Zora's snapshot is now complete, and tracking can continue at https://snapshot.org/#/zora.eth. Do not hesitate to join us if you have new information. Note: Vote with the included NFT Wallet.


Of course, completing step 3 above does not guarantee 100% airdrops and can be eliminated. So, it's good to make the pomo possible and impossible.


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