Beijing court: Bitcoin "only" is a market capitalization

比特币资讯网 view 46520 2022-1-24 15:05
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According to news on January 23, Beijing Dongcheng Court, after hearing the information, ruled as follows: the joint open source software engineering model, cryptographic model and proof of operation, open program participants have the possibility of receiving some of the Bitcoin as a reward after completing a special process, called "mining". . ”.

In fact, Bitcoin is a unique virtual currency and does not have the same legal status as currency. Bitcoin “mining” is an important part of risky investing that aims to get the product back on track, and investors must bear the risk themselves. In terms of good manners, “single” trades consume a lot of electricity and energy. The 685 "mining machines" involved in the event consumed an average of more than 57,500 kWh of electricity per day, and their manufacturing and industrial connections became important equipment and applications with the risk that their production and marketing links are financially bound. and industry. the security of the country is threatened, thus becoming the “green dots” of “civil law”. It strikes the heart. The investment is limited by the administration, it violates public culture and good culture, and the contract must not be valid.


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