Yuanwang Peev Tian Hongfei: 10 venture capital opportunities rau Web3

金色财经 view 44540 2022-1-6 10:36
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The foundation of Web3 being decentralization and user data, the entire period of venture capital revolves around two themes. some blood

After 40 years of development, the Internet has slowly entered a new era. On the other hand, Internet users have remained silent due to the independence of the masses, while changes in Internet commerce have led to the success of the last decade, and SaaS has become the most visible.

Since 2010, huge internet users have entered the harvest season and their monopoly profits have skyrocketed, accounting for 90% of the top 10 market shares. On the other hand, there are not many people in the new construction. In China, slower responses gave birth to mobile internet giants ByteDance and Meituan. But all in all, it is clear that the world of Internet users has entered into stagnation.

Just as the Internet was born in the 1970s and the World Wide Web in the 1990s, the Internet base has several colleges. After 40 years of development, the situation is predictable. Create apps that change the world.

Now a new transition is coming. In other words, in the hacker world little known to ordinary people, the Bitcoin blockchain was born in 2009 and sowed the seeds of Web3 development in 2021. I think Web3 will be a big change, and the commercial potential 10 that he unveiled is:

The design of Web3 must be blockchain.

There is no necessary connection between Web3 and blockchain, but advancements in the industry have brought the two together. Launched in 1982, blockchain technology, which has not been widely used since its inception, introduced Bitcoin, which provided the technological basis for users to access information online.

After the Internet provides information to users in the 1.0 to 2.0 era of user information exchange, users entering the Web3 era will have the information. Concentrated representation of the global information community 9 out of 10 companies are Internet companies.

Web3 wants blockchain technology to improve awareness that user experience is full ownership of information and digital devices. The blockchain-based technology below will be timely. The largest startup in the field of Web3. Just as every internet company must operate on TCP / IP, all internet companies will now be able to outperform all internet companies because Google and Facebook are data. The text is accessible from the open process. All future discussions and data retrievals will take place on the blockchain. The procedure is below.

Currently, the public Bitcoin chain accounts for 40% of the crypto market's market value, but as of 2015, Ethereum, which is online, has outperformed the Bitcoin market. Yes, if you think Ethereum will rule the world, Solana, Avalanche, NEAR, Polkdot, Cosmos, and other public adoptions after 2018 will prove that decision is too soon.

Representative companies: Ethereum, Solana, Avalanche, NEAR, Polkadot, Cosmos.

Decentralized identity system

Today, internet businesses have all of their users, users must register their own accounts with each business, and the value of the business depends on the number of users it has and the revenue it spends to generate. revenues.

Speaking of the days of Web1.0 If no one on the internet knew you were a dog, Web2.0 was talk time. If you sign up on Facebook under a pseudonym, you will be ridiculed. With the advent of Web3, users will have access to all of their information. for

Having your information started with your own identity.

OpenID was born in 2005. Users have their own data, and this data is stored on an independent server, sites that support OpenID can only access data used after user consent. Unfortunately, Facebook Connect and Google Login have become the norm thanks to OpenID and have become the mainstay of third party login.

Windows Cardspace was born in 2003. Users can store their personal information in the operating system. Websites that support this process can be customized for existing users, but these products are not yet widely used. for

As a result, it is very difficult to promote the independence of information management products, and it seems difficult to reach even large enterprises. Until the Web3 era, users had to have their own digital devices, providing users with a solid support for getting creative and managing their data.

As mentioned, this historic change often takes a generation, at first, internet users increasingly take advantage of their digital assets and hope to own and manage them.

In the Web3 operating system, users must have their own privacy policy, as they must pay for site access and operating costs.

In the future, everyone will have a registered name and a decentralized IPFS webpage. for

Company representative: N.-É.

Distributed data storage and access

In the Web3 age, people have their own data and have to pay to keep it. For example, NFTs purchased by users should be stored in a permanent location. In addition, data transfer and indexing services are required for easy access.

Application : Filecoin, Arweave, The Graph, Livepeer, ByteTorrent.


Due to restrictions, different situations require different blockchain devices and different blockchain devices to communicate. The smart contract of one blockchain will have to invoke the contract of another blockchain. Another blockchain.

Fichiers : XCMP, EPNS, XMTP.

Appropriate distribution agreement

Established in 2018, DeFi has a vision of decentralized financial and financial ownership, but believes that blockchain is impossible to replace the existing financial industry. Today, ten companies in the international value chain are online businesses, but banks have yet to provide lending services to high-tech companies, and the growth of high-tech companies also depends on the capital investment. New technologies cannot replace existing ones and are more likely to create new ones.

With the advent of the era of cloud computing and major changes in industry and agriculture from data technology, many tools have become essential through digitization. Many tokens can represent the counting and storage of assets, including devices and digital assets. the physical world. Finance, a study of exchange rates that transcends time and space, applies to joint ventures.

For example, the contract net protocol, developed by Reid Smith in 1980, was used to distribute important tasks and subcontracts to other partners. This is a major limitation because the process does not use tokens. In the future, software agents used by intelligent technology that can change user decisions will be able to use financial processes such as payments, transactions, exchanges, loans and financial protection to be integrated into the network to complement the user experience.

It can be said that the distribution and exclusive ownership of digital assets in the Web3 world requires the integration of network resources. for

Companies represented: Uniswap, Compound, AAVE

social network protocol

In the age of Web3, there are no middlemen, so decentralized users need an open social network protocol to connect users, user personal value without middleman through Facebook, and Social network users created must reflect their value.

Agents: Content, CyberConnect, DESO, RSS3


In addition to digital graphics, NFT believes that programming devices should play a larger role.

If smart contracts are a class of guidance strategies, then NFTs are one of the guidance goals.


Just as the user interface of Web1.0 and Web2.0 is the browser, the wallet becomes the Web3.0 browser and handles file management and DApp access.

Representative companies: Argent, Metamask

sharing network

The debate over whether the Internet is neutral or not, and there is no determination whether the Internet should be neutral. However, advancements in mobile devices and sensors have given us the ability to create wireless network sharing. As with P2P networks, network users are also network providers, and unlike P2P, the emergence of tokens makes it possible to make payments between users and provide services.

Representative companies: Hélium, Deepnet

business design content

In the age of Web3, users with their own keywords and readers will eliminate the payment model of relying on a platform to divert traffic and spread advertising costs.

Company representative: Mirror

Finally, I would say 90% of people think blockchain practitioners are angry or are wandering around the edges of the law. 9% of people have become obsessed with blockchain and decide to publish it, they are disappointed not to live up to expectations or think they have been lied to. Only 1% of people can be patient and become a driving force behind the construction industry, and from that 1% are born the leaders of the future.


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