Why did the CEO of Xbox choose "Minecraft" as the template for the meta world?

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Xbox CEO Phil Spencer has spoken to the media about Microsoft's global vision and its commitment to player and developer independence.


Xbox Director Phil Spencer has said that the instructions learned from the completion of “Minecraft” will lead to improved performance of the game in the future.

While Phil Spencer was thinking about using technology for change and new inspiration for the gaming industry, the head of Xbox thought about Minecraft. It's a logical leap. This sandbox writer is the best-selling video game of all time and one of Spencer's highlights of 2014. It's grown into an old meta-world in its own right. Inspired by many of today's biggest and most popular games, Minecraft was the first to inspire game developers, and these games have life and design in the game.

“Minecraft” is actually an open source authoring tool that allows people to create something, distribute it through community marketing, and sell it to other members of the community. Spencer said in an interview last week that the interior openness of “Minecraft” was crucial to its development.

The uniqueness of "Minecraft" lies in its capabilities and metrics, access to almost any platform you want, even in places where it can't be played. Microsoft announced last week that the game has become a hit, gaining more than a million views on YouTube and its video platform. “So many ideas, all of them, that we didn't do with Xbox or Mojang, they were created by the real creator of Minecraft and went to the other world. I think it was a throwaway. First of all. for the strength of the community and open developers, ”says Spencer.

Spencer is a key figure endorsed by Microsoft to move the business forward. Instructions taken from the end of "Minecraft" I think the game should start here. In particular, the development of the player-created virtual world is used to sell Spencer's words and promises in the future that the metaverse is to be achieved by fulfilling its foundations. Good.

“I did a few examples with the Internet,” Spencer said. “I think we have a really open platform for design and implementation. But the truth is that some companies have created and maintained online, whether they are running research, economics, or experience. “The Internet is not as open as I thought it would be. . "

Spencer highlights the controversy surrounding the Metaverse and how to get back to ideas the gaming industry has been discussing for decades. Games such as "Second Life" and have a huge impact on many online gamers such as "Ultima Online" and "World of Warcraft" include virtual worlds, spheres, screens and systems. . However, Spencer said that Minecraft and Minecraft are the most profitable organizations with the power to create an online design experience for gamers.

“As leaders, we spent a lot of time coming together to put together the details of what we learned and the skills. But for me the most important reason is why I chose Microsoft. For example, why do so many people like this meta? And - certainly, what's best for gamers? What's best for developers? Spencer said. “I think it's easy for a lot of tech companies to tell them why Metaverse is better. But we'll put the player in the middle and reuse my gaming language, and when their needs and those of the developers are met, the platform's value will increase. She will fly. "

Microsoft is superior to other tech or gaming companies, and has and is doing many of the same things that can play a vital role in every type of metaspatial universe. The company operates Xbox, the world's leading gaming platform and digital retailer, and now delivers software on every screen with an Internet connection. The company offers a portfolio of HoloLens hardware and AltspaceVR and Mesh platforms for the integration of augmented, virtual and virtual reality. this. It includes Windows, Office, and Team, a trilogy of product development and desktop sharing tools, and the Azure cloud platform that makes it all happen.

This raises a question. What stopped Microsoft from leading the meta battle? Spencer said the teams working on these different agencies meet every week to develop new games using 3D avatars on the Mesh platform, for example.

However, Spencer, who has worked at Microsoft since the internship 33 years ago, said he believes the metaverse is not another business venture to overcome, but an opportunity to be avoided in order to adhere to the current level of governance of the Internet ecosystem. In turn, he said, businesses can and should strive to restore the level of freedom and creativity that is also the primary goal of Web 2.0. It requires an open, collaborative, and non-partisan approach, which can challenge a tech company's respect for growth, revenue, and digital marketing.

“That says 'The Windows' that we have is the platform. If you have the compiler and are able to share your rights, you have access to other platform users. to announce what they are doing. There is no community and everyone should use it. It's an open platform. "

Spencer explained how the platform is available on Xbox and many devices today, as a third party working on their games (like the new "Halo Infinity") and more in the Xbox Marketplace. It also competes with some of the Xbox's features from a native standpoint. “We are in a special position to have Minecraft players on our platform. They play Roblox on our platform and Fortnite on our platform,” said Spencer. "We rarely see Roblox or Fortnite as competitors for what we do. They are key players in our transformation as a platform games company."

In many ways, this resembles the announcement Zuckerberg made in October when he relaunched Facebook and placed the company in a meta-driven world of virtual and augmented reality. It forces companies to work together to develop new models and open the door to a level of collaboration that is now almost impossible.

But Spencer and his Microsoft portfolio make him the regulator of this vision. Take a look at the changes that have been made to Xbox over the past ten years. Spencer led after the catastrophic Xbox One announcement in 2014. During the first half of the month, she brought the Xbox industry back from its most unpopular lead to the industry leader. The company built the bridge between the Xbox platform and Windows 10, allowing gamers to play and purchase software across multiple platforms, and launched the Xbox Game Pass, a product that is now in the tens of millions. users. .

Spencer redefined the Xbox market from sales to service-oriented ecosystems, allowing Microsoft's big rival Sony to start developing its own version of Game Pass. After PlayStation 4 sales are roughly double that of Xbox One, it can be said that Microsoft's desire to try is worth it. It also helps with issues that were once considered sacred and low-key, such as Crossover, the largest in the gaming industry. Platform games and cross-shopping. (Unlike most game developers, Microsoft also has a large store that it distributes, which means it usually doesn't pay the average person 30% stake.) There are a lot of ways. , these advantages are advertising and on this platform. Promise of the metaverse, It is a prerequisite for this type of knowledge.

He said, “I want to be able to know what I have on every screen that can see this stuff,” “I want to be able to bring my experience to everywhere. I want to meet the people I want to meet. will have a lot of climate change to get there. Like I said before, we need a really open path. "

Spencer said that could be Microsoft's impact on future changes. "We treat the meta-world status quo with the same understanding as in the game, which means that people should be able to play what they want, who" they want to play with, and where they want to play. Really wanna play, after all, it's the developers and the gamers. We will give you the best experience. "

“Because if it wasn't better for the players and the developers, you would lose,” he said. “You have to start with this as an important principle. "


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