Is the meta-world a hoax or the future of humanity?

猎云财经 view 52 2021-12-27 22:13
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In 2021, Meta Universe made its C-bit debut and gained worldwide acclaim, and many companies started to develop Meta Universe one after another. The fire of the concept of meta-space is not unrealistic, but depends on the development of technologies such as virtual reality, intelligence, blockchain and wear devices, and a combination of cutting-edge technologies can create a meta -world. However, there are those who say that the meta world is only in its infancy, and there is still a long way to go before it becomes a reality, so there is no need to to pay. A lot of money at the moment. Today, the Island Master takes everyone into the meta-world and explores the real world after the heat.

1,What is a meta-universe?

Metaverse is the English translation of "Metaverse", with Meta meaning transcendence and Verse meaning edge, together meaning "over". You can see it as a 3D networked world created with support for virtual reality, blockchain, intelligence, and other technologies. This virtual world is equal to the real world and provides a better experience for people, where people can chat, have fun and escape from the world for a while. At the same time, the content of the virtual world can be defined and modified by the user.

2,History of the meta world

The term metacosm originated in 1992 in the new science fiction novel "Avalanche". The new data shows a huge virtual network network equal to the real world. The concept of metacosm appeared in the new book "Blindness and Blindness" written in 1981 by the American mathematician and computer scientist Ferno Wenqi. You can go to the interface and have more experience.

Three,History of the birth of the meta-universe

Human theory of meta-universes began in fake science, and there are other reasons for this interest in meta-universes. With the continuous improvement in technology, the use and availability of the Internet in the world has reached a high level, users have long been able to establish Internet relationships, and the demand for virtual interfaces is increasing. At the same time, with technological advancements such as virtual reality, virtual reality, intelligence and digital twins, it has become a meta-world.

In addition, by 2020, contagion will occur immediately, reduce the risk of outings and interference, prevent interference in many offline situations, and increase human demand for New Chat Online. Advances in technology and the interactive needs of several groups have opened the door to a meta-world.

4,The evolution of the meta world

Using global meta requires support for a wide range of technologies, including blockchain, 5G, augmented reality, virtual reality, intelligence, big data, and brain virtualization. With the advancement of current research, many achievements have been made in research in various fields, providing easy support for the development of meta-universes. Today, more and more internet companies are starting to join the metauniverse industry.

The achievement of the Meta Universe is inextricably linked with the support of software and hardware. When it comes to software, we focus on content. The goal is to create a huge platform that offers users a digital 3D world, allowing players to enter the virtual world, have fun, socialize and give them feelings. The connection between user and game. On the external side, interactive interactive applications have been developed largely by improving VR / AR equipment and interactive tools to provide users with all new games.

South Korea's metaspatial industry is still in its infancy, has a long way to go before the industry, and needs innovation in many areas, including technology and systems. At the same time, there are significant risks in this area, such as the risk of confidentiality, the risk of drug addiction and the risk of personal property.

5,How does the Metaverse app work?

(1) Past experience and discussion

Realizing the meta-world will lead people to the ultimate immersive interactive experience that goes far beyond the experience of the 2D era. The virtual world offers many uses. Compared to the real world, people can do more with fewer restrictions. The experience gives everyone the impression of always being in the real world in the virtual world.

(2) Online life

The development of the metacosm has provided humans with another location, and when a certain stage has been reached, many real situations can be moved to virtual space. Until then, people can spend more time online than offline. For example, virtual office, virtual travel, virtual store, etc. People can go out like never before which will change their way of life.

(3) cost savings

The virtual world is different from the real world, when people live in the virtual world, the cost of personnel, resources, time and energy consumption are reduced, which reduces stress. Try this on various resources. In the real world At the same time, Metaverse is also seeing application scenarios for virtual currency. In the virtual world, digital rewards will become popular. Metaverse will improve the efficiency of human work, life and pleasure, and reduce the cost of labor, investment and time.

(4) New job

The Meta Universe app will provide more opportunities for advanced computer science students including modeling and creating virtual images, capturing events, etc.

6,Is the meta world far from us?

There are many stages in the development of the meta world, but at this time the search for the meta world in many countries is still in its infancy, and knowledge of the end of the meta world is a long way off. However, vital technologies are being dismantled one by one, as research is passed on from generation to generation. The role of the metacosm will also be enriched, through early entertainment and relationships to all aspects of human life, such as housing, finances, education, etc. The meta-world that can change the real world is linked to the conditions necessary for the development of relationships, such as public order.

While the overall meta structure is now starting to emerge, the underlying architecture, core technology, state of hardware, etc. are still immature, and there are still many issues that people face. However, creating a meta-world is not a theory. Little by little it will improve. China has become mature and will be able to land and market the apps slowly in the future.


Overall, metaverse research is still in its infancy and this is the future strategy that seeks to create a virtual world based on human development, research and perseverance. Naus laus zis. By paralleling or integrating with the real world of the future, people have other ways of life and more life experience for humans.


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