8 Bitcoins can be thrown into an RTX 3090 card

币圈二三事 view 62 2021-9-19 18:49
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It only takes 8 small Bitcoin exchanges to throw up the Nvidia GeForce RTX 3090 charts. This is the conclusion drawn from the e-device announcement on the cryptocurrency infrastructure. A business like throw away. Both iPhones.

8个比特币可报废一张 RTX 3090 显卡

There is a lot of talk about the ecological impact of cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin, but little of the implications of electronics come from “mining”. According to a study published by financial analysts at the Dutch Central Bank and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Bitcoin's e-commerce problem is getting worse," "Bitcoin's electronic products are estimated at 30.7 tonnes per year in May 2021. This figure compares to the waste generated by small IT and communications equipment in countries like the Netherlands. ”

8个比特币可报废一张 RTX 3090 显卡

To make matters worse, the report estimates that the annual value of waste could exceed 64.4 metric tons when Bitcoin prices peaked earlier this year. The reason is the way Bitcoin is created. Blockchain uses a single integrated application (ASIC) to secure the network, and the implementation of appropriate algorithms called “mining”.

After the first GPU shortage in 2017, virtual money took a hit in the PC gaming landscape. Unlike Ethereum, which is the dream of new cheap GPUs, Bitcoin's ASICs are rugged devices designed to run virtual currency algorithms and nothing more. Therefore, at the end of its productive life, disposal is the only option. And while "card mining" can still be used after "mining" and has a shorter lifespan, they are essentially no different from e-waste.

The study estimates that after a year and a half of using this specialized ASIC, the speed and demand for power consumption will no longer be efficient. Due to the complexity of the algorithms, there is constant competition in comparative technology, or there is no benefit in further supporting the Bitcoin blockchain. Due to the decline of these devices, the study confirms that "on average, each blockchain process in the Bitcoin market generates 272 grams of electronic waste." 272g is equivalent to 2 iPhones, 1/8 the RTX 3090. for


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