Tesla Can Accept Bitcoin Transactions Again What Is Your Goal?

币圈二三事 view 21 2021-8-23 13:14
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As of May 13, 2021 Beijing time, Musk has announced that he will no longer support Tesla using Bitcoin. Shortly after, he reiterated and announced that Tesla could once again support the Bitcoin market. So why does he jump so many times?

Let's see why he announced that he would not support Bitcoin to pay Tesla.


The picture probably means that Bitcoin is not environmentally friendly. “Mining” consumes a lot of energy. It is better to have less power and Tesla will not sell Bitcoin. And now he has announced the possibility of starting to pay for Bitcoin, claiming that Bitcoin will be saved again, he has decided that Bitcoin "miners" will use clean energy. At first glance, this person is not only an entrepreneur, but also an environmentalist. However, there is a lesson in Dogecoin, this time around it is believed to be the hope of collecting leeks as well. Protecting the environment is also good business. Sing Bitcoin first, then release it from the low position, then apply it from a high position. Sell ​​it. This business alone is more profitable than selling a car.


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