Visa works with 60 crypto platforms and 80 million merchants supporting digital transactions.

网易新闻 view 10414 2021-12-23 10:04
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Visa's crypto industry leader VISA said it has worked with around 60 crypto platforms to develop support for crypto, and that there are 80 million merchants around the world that support cryptocurrency payments. He also said he will support many ecosystems in the cryptocurrency space.

Visa 与 60 个加密平台合作,8000 万商家支持数字货币

Visa creates the crypto ecosystem

Visa's head of cryptocurrency trading Cuy Sheffield spoke of his success in the cryptocurrency space in an interview on Monday.

“Visa's position in the cryptocurrency space has grown rapidly. Visa's cryptocurrency business has reached hundreds of employees. Over the past 18 months, the number of cryptocurrency platforms we work with has doubled. And now we've reached 60. Sheffield says:

It currently works with over 60 crypto platforms, including FTX, Blockfi,, Coinbase, and Binance, and now 80 million traders worldwide support cryptocurrency payments.

At these merchants, consumers can easily switch to digital fiat payment. While filtering, the merchant directly accepts the cryptocurrency, the merchant accepts the cryptocurrency, and then exchanges the cryptocurrency directly to fiat in the background. Whether offline or online, it can be as easy as using a Visa exchange.

A Visa executive also said the company would announce its financial services program in India in December.

Visa's mission is to provide cryptocurrency services to customers around the world and currently only provides crypto services in areas authorized by the administration.

Visa's cryptocurrency manager believes that:

We hope to provide the channel to 80 million traders and over 15,000 financial institutions to connect to the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

He said: “We have been working hard in the cryptocurrency space and we will continue to support the cryptocurrency ecosystem in a number of ways,” he said.


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