Web 3.0 and the promise of encryption

Block unicorn view 35 2021-12-9 18:32
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Web 3.0 和加密承诺

It's a very interesting idea. The vast crypto space is a complete storm. I try to understand and include the constant noise, the finances, the new stuff, however, the personalities, the tools, and the amazing of knowing it all all the time. no real pressure.

During Thanksgiving, take the time to relax and reflect. I realize that it's easy to get caught up in the sea of ​​web3 encryption with FOMO without knowing how to deliberately log into web3 and get a job in it.

Let's say it was in the 90s or early 2000s. Can you imagine saying "I'm going to work for an online business!" and then want to understand everything that is happening online at all times? Even then, it was impossible.

I give an example today.It is not possible to know everything that is going on in cryptocurrency or the Web3, and if there is any difference, their breadth, depth and integration are proof of our growth and prospects. .It's really cool, but you'll be like me 24 hours a day. It takes thought, leading to increased growth, increased productivity, overall health, and education.

So what are the concerns and passions?

Here are 10 commitments that will help you focus on what's important to you. I share all of these points and hope they will repeat it to you. I am also writing this with the intention of reviewing it regularly to make sure that you are responsible for yourself.

1.Remember why you are participating in the online world.I logged into web3 for the following three reasons.

(a) I want to know more, really, quickly (laughs).

(b) I think this is the best way to build my faith (see Contract 3 below).

(c) And for the first time in the short history of crypto, the promise of crypto has shifted from a "legal" financial application to a high net worth consumer. Oh my God.

Consumers are my specialty. As the leader of the Niantic and Pokémon GO team, I have created and created international events for real and immersive games. I pray that something in me has a unique vision that will benefit the new world we are developing on the web3.

We are in the foreground, arm in arm, seeking the light to guide us through the dark forest as we create a new world. As you go through the situation, remember that the people on web3 are smart, strong, and worth learning. I hope I can tell you something.

2.Take advantage of what you promise and promise that you like it. Because success comes from the process you worked on.

I admire those who entered or invested in crypto very early on and saw the potential of crypto before anyone else. About ten years ago, Brian Armstrong didn't see the possibility until Bitcoin exploded in several ways, claiming that Bitcoin was all about burritos and soft drinks. However, despite the return of FOMO, I personally believe that now is the time to get into cryptocurrency, not before.

Simplify the reason: In the early days of cryptocurrencies, it was important to create a financial ecosystem from scratch. Seen from the outside, I was happy with what I saw, but I never found myself enjoying this person job.

I have always enjoyed what I have done in my career so I have devoted myself 1000% to it. This is how I had the chance to be involved in a happy project for the first consumers as a great consultant. Then, working with augmented reality and the game is comfortable and enjoyable. It makes me so excited to be able to work with the product, engineering and community leaders that I trust. I have fallen in love with this technique several times. All of the above continue to work, and many types "Success".

Success comes from being passionate about what you do, and when you love it, you will be passionate about what you do. Now I feel like I can start working at Mirror, learn from the smart people in our team and communities, and benefit from web3's capacity building process where the cryptocurrency is.

Three.Create the world you want

I take pride in creating a world where people can connect the world with positive thinking and in a way never seen before.

I love to create a world where people are free to express their creativity in time, relationships, finances and careers.

I am passionate about creating a world where people can create and enjoy memories, precious past experiences that bring others together.

I love to create a world where people will be praised for what they do, create and create.

I take pride in creating a world where people have what they create: communities, creativity and finances.

We are passionate about creating a world where people use technology and technology is automatic.

Digital members can solve problems and systems created from existing models, and you don't have to deal with it or turn it on if it doesn't suit your preferences or needs. And you don't have to create it.Creating content that you've always wanted can be very rewarding.

4.Build your long life. Don't build for fan-to-flash, just avoid “fan-to-flash”.

Be patient with the development of the soul you believe in and remember that you are still building yourself. If you want to create, make sure you take the blue path to the world you love. Do not flash the fan. Likewise, don't make yourself a “flash for the fan” person.

I define a short person as someone who has the following characteristics:

a) Click on your time to work for fame, fortune, and satisfaction. It's possible.

b) Continue to research the following special effects and "personal type" implications.

Today (a) and (b) are real talents in themselves. By using these strategies, you can achieve great results. Both (a) and (b) are actually beautiful and should be viewed as non-disrespectful. Usually these are short-lived interesting things that are meant to be replaced by the next driving genius or thrilling stunts in the public consciousness.

For this reason, you may need to ignore the shorter ones, which are typically found in cryptocurrencies.A few short people play a gameThey often (but not always) know the community, group, long-term developers and ecosystem advocates well. But in our time and in our market of interest, short people are everywhere.

What are some examples of short people?

A star chosen by reality.

The sports giant on a 3-year, multi-million dollar contract spends all of his money before he blows his knee or other equipment.

A person who creates great talent in all fields of music, film, art, business and investment does not just say "good times".

The nouveau riche (in cryptocurrency or other means) who spend too much money are popular.

Influencers (many, if not all).

A famous ordinary.

There are no tools in the toolbox of those who continue to seek deception.

Being one of the "The guy / girl who did it, did you forget it?"

When a person's life is short, he falls on his own. This in turn leads them to believe that they are in the highest realm of eternity.

The ego destroys the curiosity and motivation to learn and become a better person. The ego makes people less predictable and disrespectful to those whose stars are in front of them. The ego deals with how to achieve metacognition.

There may be another star, short life. Take advantage of short with other conceited and appear on the horizon, ready to replace the old short one. If it's a short game, don't play.

5.Be your role model

Be smart with brilliant graphics and bad behavior in big industries, even tech / crypto / entertainment / other industries is part of the tech toolbox that people still use to create their own cult.

As a member of the audience, I think, "This is a person that I respect, that I am and that I obey", "These people deserve respect" and "He is a worthy person, make me one. model ".

Be surprised when people act like they know all the answers or feel inferior because of the responsibilities they have set for themselves. This means that they increase as much as possible in their cycle, unconsciously or unconsciously, using the negative and the uncertainty of others to create or destroy themselves.

To note:When you don't know who you are or what you stand for, it's easy to fall in love with what you shouldn't be.

The truth is, it's hard to find a role model when you're doing something you've never done before. Because the lights follow the dirt road in the dark forest with restricted signs. Uncertainty is natural.

A quote from Silicon Valley is "You can't be someone you can't see." But what if no one does what you want to do? What if the number of solvers is the same that you are limiting? If you are female and / or POC, or someone from another background, you rarely see someone like you. All of this is triply true in the western region of web3 and cryptocurrencies.

What do you do when your model is not visible or unknown?

You can and should find the good that you admire for others you want to follow. The secret is that you see the good in others because you have them. (And you have to look at the features you don't want and know how to avoid them.)

You will soon see when you cannot find the model. That you have to be your model. You have to motivate yourself. I hope that one day you too can be a real inspiration to others.

6.Avoid being in shallow water and use the competition to stoop and starve.

In the past people have clicked and clicked on their "accomplishments" in the past and started doing all the finer things in life again (a lot of people still do, I think you might agree: this is the worst!). As mentioned above, it can be fun and effective, but that self-respect is just a flashlight fan when compared to others. We live in another world. Reputation and past reputation may go through the door, but you still have to open the door and complete the task, and the climb is very difficult.

Many entrepreneurs, groups and businesses lose because of their pride. You can become obsessed with your talents or accomplishments over others that you forgot to set goals for and become a better person.

The cost of producing and the cost of producing and extracting gold are found in the ground where the gold is buried are almost different.

Likewise, sitting on unused skills is a waste. Skills must be trained and nurtured. Knowledge is "I'm doing better" or "Have you seen any recent tweets?" "

The best people in tech, crypto, traditional business, or life itself won't be happy with the situation. They don't play short peak games. Instead, they continue to rebuild themselves, drawing inspiration from the best examples of others. They go in search of the highest mountain, the highest in the world. They need a change more than ever as they disappear and rest in the valley and prepare to return.

Follow the right investing principles and use health, speed, and competition as the means to create better people. Today's “loser” may be tomorrow's “winner”. Respect your partner as a partner. They have also started their own crypto journey. Remember. It's a new world of collaboration and we will all be working on it together.

sept.Living with others through positive thoughts and vision

We can only survive when we are connected. However, the world is changing very quickly and the world of encryption is changing faster. It's easy to decide quickly, but it's always harder to come back and think and feel good. There is only one fine line between fun and action. If you're tired, frustrated, and indecisive, ask about the basics. (I know it's hard!)

It's best to see others, see them as yourself, and interact with them accordingly. The same goes for products, communities, frameworks, content and businesses.

It doesn't mean you have to be blind or unsure. As with all new businesses this site has scammers and scammers so be careful. If this seems objectively problematic, trust your gut feelings, thoughts, and decisions to act appropriately or to show disrespect. But more importantly, if your work isn't good or decision-making, it's a waste of energy.

Have you ever watched an independent film and found that although the "stars" in the story are who they are, they are concerned about their fate? Treat others like stars in your own movie. Give them roots. rejoice in them. Use their authenticity and ability to inspire you to do better. Grow in the organizations you work with. Let's all make this movie together. Because in the final analysis, we can.

8.Faith and reputation are important. Protect and create

From elves in "Aladdin" to princesses in "Frozen", Disney films teach children to hug and hug. It's a good lesson, but as you get older the common misconception is, "Don't worry about what other people think!" What others think of you! Do what you want. !

It works when we are young, understand who we are, go to school, and prevent aging. Constant mistakes and inaccurate decisions are essential as we learn, grow and discover on our own. Even in adults, it doesn't matter whether the thoughts or temporary decisions are good or bad.

But as an adult people are able to judge each other for you, which is not like reputation. Immediate content, multiple content design lines and lines can maintain their reputation for years or years to come. Reputation matters when you represent and engage your team, family, friends, community, etc.

Reputation is not how your resume or social media profile appears or your job on the blockchain. Your reputation can mirror your character. What people are saying in private and behind the scenes, and what people may not want to write. This is if you want crazy people to work with you, even though other people will work for you when they don't give you the benefits, or push you away from you because they listen to you. smile or not, we secretly. Nightmares, arrogance and intelligence.

Even if you run faster than a person's leg speed, if your reputation, level of accuracy, and self-proclaimed rights are too far apart, you won't get caught. This makes the construction of the joint more difficult. It makes building faith more difficult. Faith is the key. Because it takes years to build a reputation of trust and only a chance to crumble. The crypto industry is developed by trusts and communities. With this in mind, as we all strive to measure, it is even more important to build confidence in our rights, the victims and the names that make up these communities.

So far, during my short period of work in the crypto field, I have had the opportunity to meet people better known than them. People want to work with good people because they want to devote their time and energy to good, worthwhile people. In general, the reputation of these people has developed over the years in the field of cryptography or otherwise. Not only to support my business, I appreciate having so many of these people on my team. I am happy that the community is so open to learning and reflecting on the care that my partners have provided over the years for a variety of activities. I want to learn real models of proof of performance and reliability. Short-term work does not build confidence and long-term learning.

9.Long enough to climb the highest mountain.

Another big reason why it is important not to be a dietitian and to be a supporter who is constantly evolving and developing is because of his long walks. It's hard to see now. It's easy to get cocky without knowing you're your current size (see above).

“Climbing the Wrong Hill,” premiered in 2009 by Chris Dixon, received rave reviews. (Maybe that's because they're making a “major exodus” through contagion. A lot of people examine their work and lifestyle in these situations.)

It's a fast reader and I want to test it. But most climbers mistakenly use the concept of computer research as an example of how we can find good, productive work. In an air of war, you can only see a few steps in front of you, and getting on them is usually the easiest and most predictable. However, to find the highest mountain you have to accept (or take advantage of) falling in various places in the mountains and the sea to see the highest point. This latter method is sure to solve the problem of finding the tallest and tallest mountain in the world.

Some of the best performing options in our world are reversing the risks or more often than not the most obvious choice to become FAANG's doctor, lawyer, banker, and tech expert. It's a good job for a great leader. If you are lucky enough to choose this path, you will earn a lot of money, live well, and be considered successful. This maximum performance will bring a "local maximum" to your capacity.

But to get the most out of life, stress, benefit to the world, and even finances, you have to try a lot of different or risky startups on a different mountain. If this mountain becomes your highest point in the world, look around.

This is a good example, but one thing I would like to add is that you have to hang on long enough to get in the way of a run even if you are climbing another mountain.

for teeth:

You don't have to follow the size or shock values ​​mentioned above to find the max world, but you also need TIME, playing the game, and preparing for the action game forever.

What is still important? When it comes to becoming the person you want to be, your goal is not democracy and reality, but longevity and reality. Ask yourself if the tree is green. See what you promised to create. There is a first path in the world of crypto. Continue to review your commitments and principles, and work with others around the world to reach your highest potential around the world.

You shouldn't burn bright and shiny. It keeps me on schedule ...

dix.Stay with you and take care of you

My husband and the people I know very well. He was a genius in the early 1930s and was involved in more than a couple of companies like FAANG early in his career, where he played a key role. It is worth ten million dollars.

On the surface, its demand, value for money and even its reputation are excellent. He still has a way of working and connecting with co-founded companies left and right. But he worked harder than most people throughout his twenties. While it takes time to deal with the changing global issues that preoccupy him, it is expensive. He admitted he had poor health, no passion, no relationships or friends, and wanted to find a life partner while trying to reconnect. She was miserable and depressed.

Fate Has Its Own Way There is no doubt that it will eventually gain a foothold, but all we have is time. How many “extremes” are there? How long does it take to rest in the valley if even the rest is not satisfactory? When and how can he regain his joy, his spirituality and his spirituality?

I can't help but think that his talents, past experiences and circumstances, as well as his hot years of living, can influence people in this world to do good things. It doesn't necessarily mean joining a business, joining a business, or even reporting a business. It can pave the way for family, nonprofits, communities, global friendships, and donations. He has the strength to do these things because he is weak.

(I have another question if it would be complete if he didn't give up everything. I don't think it should be. Is Hone and do everything else, Forget it, you don't have to think about your choices - for example, making time for your staff is harder and ultimately smarter, valuable Focus and look to the long term future, and create a life of success to make it happen.

I also know others who have done it all the "right" way but are fed up with the health, the inspiration and the connections, the unnecessary and meaningless things that we have to do. I was also in this situation and had to work hard to recover. People sometimes have to spend years developing systems that provide electronics and sources of inspiration. They are important human beings to us, but more specifically, a stable force is what we need to fight the long battle in our lives and careers. If we have enough energy and time to climb the great climates of the region and the global fog of war landscape, we must make the most of our resources.

If you are playing for a long time, you need to stay calm and take care of yourself so as not to shoot to avoid overtaking and crashes.

No matter how long it takes, the constant performers that I have seen are constantly finding and dealing with multiple ways to rebuild their energy. They do what they love and work hard. But they also often have quiet fun spending time away from working for their individual and personal interests. Short list of examples: Spend time with your family at 5 p.m. every day. No problem. Before going back to work in the evening. Yoga with a partner. Piano and music lessons. Voluntary or free. Temporarily reflect or write down time, write and create, reflect and pray and watch silly movies on Netflix. If you are allowed to work, hike, hike, or play golf on weekends, hang out with coworkers and celebrate with loved ones.

Doing this doesn't mean you aren't working hard, it just means you have to pull the meaning out of life and prove it for your future. It will be too late to give you what you have, and these will always be yours. The important thing is that taking your time like this will allow you to work harder without weighing you down.

You have to be strong and creative in your life to be able to extend your life. This applies to anyone.

In Crypto and Web3 the speed is high and the stakes are high. Although I am patient, I hope this promise will help me to be patient and to fight a long battle with all of you.


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