Renaming "meta" to fight the meta world won't be Zuckerberg's last laugh.

元宇宙见闻 view 32 2021-10-29 17:22
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On October 28 (local time), US tech giant Facebook announced it would change its company name to “Meta”.

This new name is preceded by the English name MetaVerse, MetaVerse, which translates to "元" in Chinese, which means everything is inclusive and interdependent.In addition, the Facebook stock code has been changed from "FB", which is valid from December 1 to "MVRS".


This name change reflects Facebook's commitment to the “meta-universe”. It shows that Facebook is trying to break the past and remove the tag with its media. After leaving the 'comfort zone', he believes Facebook will gain recognition in the market with a new face, and follow its own development in light of the crisis.

Facebook flies into the "meta universe".


On facebook link conversation has been on 28th, Facebook CEO Zachberg has said:

“Today we see it as a business relationship, but in our DNA, a business that connects people with the latest technology. Just like the relationship when we started, the metaverse would be the next pioneer. "

“Our products and services are very intertwined, and these products will not represent the future or everything we do today. From now on, we will focus on Meta Universe on Facebook.”

"I hope to become a meta-global company in the future."


Since the beginning of this year, Internet companies around the world have been actively exploring the concept of “Meta Universe”.

By definition, the "meta universe" is a virtual world created by technologies such as VR / AR and the Internet. Simply put, “meta-advantage” can be thought of as a real-world area where users can have different personalities, products, and responsibilities.

In short, the future development of the "meta-universe" will be the "post-Internet world", and it will perhaps be the last form of development of the Internet age. In the eyes of most Silicon Valley intellectuals, the "meta universe" exists in the digital world and in the physical world.

And here is the Facebook content of "metaworld":The "meta edge" allows users to interact with people who are not in the same body. You can hang out with friends, work, study, shop, and create. It's not about spending more time online, it's about spending more time online.

From today's perspective, filmmaking, phone conversations, virtual education, etc. would be the main landing point of the metaverse. First of all,Facebook announces teleconferencing app based on Oculus VR platformHorizon WorkshopZuckerberg also gave a presentation with research application scenarios in the first metacosm.

Zuckerberg's vision for a Metaverse development is to make Facebook the Metaverse company in about five years.

Zuckerberg believes full implementation of the Metaverse is still a long way off, but the company has already planned ahead. "We believe Metaspace will be successful in the mobile Internet."

Of course, Facebook has also confirmed that the change will not happen overnight. Zuckerberg said Metaverse is expected to have an economic impact by the end of the 1920s. It is difficult for the Yuan Universe to reap the rewards of its future investments.

In order to make a name for itself in the global metacosmic digital world, Facebook will create 10,000 key jobs in the European Union over the next five years.

The idea or the salvation?


As for the Facebook rebranding, many believe it is bad publicity and Facebook management itself is facing, not the company is hoping for future improvements alongside the metaverse. .

In 2018, Facebook exposed the criminal data scandal, putting the privacy of millions of users at risk.Facebook has been fined by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) with a fine of up to $ 5 billion for its users consistently violating data.

Recently, Facebook employee Frances Hogan exposed the company's internal 'benefit' attitude to the US media, including a show that caused divisions, leading to independence and psychological well-being for women. young users.

Additionally, as internet tech giants such as Facebook and Google face regulatory scrutiny, the US Congress has joined the opposition, for example in discussing Facebook or bigotry. not yet known ..

andName changes can find new ways out of Facebook.


Market experts say Facebook's transformation has been good for the renaissance, but the impact is limited.Admins, users, and the public won't look to past scandals and legal issues just because Facebook has changed its name.He believes that Facebook will not be able to resolve the current crisis after changing its name in a short time.

As Zuckerberg's longtime opponent, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has slammed Facebook for changing its name, criticizing Zuckerberg's prediction of the concept of a "meta universe" as "dystopia." In the past, Dorsey has been "against Zuckerberg," constantly criticizing Zuckerberg's political rhetoric and abandoning Facebook's campaign for digital cryptocurrency.

Obviously, if it's not "final", Facebook won't choose to change the name. After all, a goal is one of the most profitable businesses. Especially for celebrities around the world.

It can be seen as Zuckerberg's final fight.



From a profit standpoint, the meta world hasn't had a good economy yet, and the landing process is still tough and it's hard to predict how it will improve in the future.

Sister tab,From a long-term perspective, if the meta-world has an endless vision, whoever introduces it first can have a positive impact., especially competition from tech giants.

If so, can Facebook really predict the metaverse and support name changes and activities? As well.

Zuckerberg had a lot to say, but not all of them succeeded. Many experts are skeptical of Facebook's current turmoil, its own legacy, and the site's future competitiveness.

Insiders believe Facebook doesn't have the benefit of improving the metaverse. Other competitors like Apple and Nvidia have strong software and hardware capabilities, all of which can win.

"Facebook" was yesterday, can the new "meta" know about Zuckerberg's worldview? We will wait and see.


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