Responses to South Korea's First 5G Blockchain Request! From Zhejiang!

通证经济 view 29 2021-12-18 02:02
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December 15

Responses to South Korea's First 5G Blockchain Request

Applying for a driver's license in Yiwu, Zhejiang province

This system was developed by State Grid Zhejiang Electric Power Co., Ltd.

Use "5G blockchain" technology

Build trust with aggregators, consumers and utility companies

Ensure the sharing of response information to requests


Road aggregator is a new needs-based service company, primarily to provide users with needed technology and advisory services, and to benefit from the compilation of answers to questions and participate in participatory requests for answers. In contrast, companies supplying electricity directly linked to many small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to meet the needs of joint ventures, stakeholders work together "intermediaries" and "agents". Respond to capabilities and customization A response plan that not only recognizes improving power management efficiency for users, but also minimizes overload, high shaving pressure on devices and systems electricity and reducing carbon emissions.

Additionally, in the response request process, measurement data directly affects the interests of users involved in the response request. Data reliability issues have been central to changes in demand response services between aggregators, users and suppliers of electricity. The demand for applications based on "Blockchain 5G" combines the advantages of blockchain and 5G, and the innovative use of blockchain-based application-side integration technology to realize file sharing. Pre-process using blockchain technology to solve the problem of data trust. Users can query chain data such as response data from a blockchain browser to complement trusted data sharing among participants in a response request. The 5G network solves the problem of data communication, the blockchain solves the problem of reliable data, and the combination of the two advantages facilitates the efficient functioning of the response.

On December 15, the system began inspection in Yiwu, with a total of 38,545 data linked to the chain's 94 5G base stations. The system incorporates many practical modifications, such as interference charging and energy storage by the external user, and uses a backup battery from the 5G base station to help with peak shaving in the network and filling the valley, so that 5G base stations can participate in choke-free network response services. . Encourage tower companies to create green spaces to help the power and communications industry achieve a win-win ecological situation, save money and improve efficiency. At the same time, energy storage can reduce the energy cost of the user by releasing during peak hours and charging during peak hours.

In the next step, Zhejiang State Grid Electric Power will build on the core research and development technology of State Grid, "Research and application of advanced technology. Technology for a high resilience blockchain-based network", and cross-chain technology and a platform to meet local energy needs. At the same time, it extends deep into the blockchain application in the local network load situation, continuing to expand flexible and manageable resources, improving measurement and control, and supporting the construction of new energies.


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