What do you know about Meta Universe Risk, nicknamed CCTV?

鸵鸟区块链 view 1356 2021-12-20 09:45
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Recently, Metaverse has gained public attention, but this time not because of its growth, but because of CCTV's reputation and criticism.

According to CCTV Financial Channel on the 13th, there are now many blockchain game companies in the market that attract investors under the name of high profits, and such investments are high risk and illegal. Some experts say investing in these blockchain games depends on the metaverse, but in fact it's often a new type of fraud under the metaverse banner, and investors are trading without risk management. When this news got out, a big controversy erupted.

After all, the concept of the meta-world has been in vogue for some time, and the exporting of big business has led many to believe that this will be a turning point in the new era from the industrial revolution, but no one can tell. . all. In the meta world, everyone agrees on its definition.

The evolution of the meta world

Meaning of the meta-universe

Metauniverse is a new form of the Internet and social networking that incorporates a wide range of new technologies, providing information based on augmented reality, creating a mirror image of the real world based on digital twin technology and on the evolution of industries. Based on the use of blockchain technology, the virtual world and the real world are tightly integrated with business, relationships and personalization, and each user can create and heal the world.

As this content can seem confusing, let's imagine that you could live on an island with a virtual ID and work and work on that island every day, selling clothes and furniture that you own, and earn some money. . With this money you can buy virtual concert tickets. When you go to a happy concert, you meet some friends, and if you want, you meet offline, and finally, you become a real friend.

Of course, the concept of the meta-world is still evolving, and many participants have the opportunity to further promote its theme. Therefore, human descriptions of the concept of metauniverses are still in the competitive stage with theory.

The current state of technology must come from the metaverse

In summary, the global meta-world is said to be a mixture of many technologies, so the development of this technology also affects the development of the meta-world.

1. Metauniverse communication base: 5G

Support for the release of 5G technology is essential as the Metaverse requires higher resolution and frame rate to provide a better user experience. However, as the current development of 5G is of concern, the demand and market penetration of 5G is not high, as it is clearly visible in its infants and the Power 5G application has not yet appeared.

2. Processing of metaverse data: cloud computing, intelligence

Cloud Computing: Whether it's a bigger game or a better experience for users, metaverse is inextricably linked with the computing power of cloud computing. With the development of big game, cloud computing, cloud storage, and cloud rendering are all growing rapidly and can be seen as the basis of the metaverse, but the interaction of the metaverse is also an issue that needs to be addressed. taken into account in development. cloud computing now.

Artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence can improve the performance of computing. In the meta-universe, the efficiency of content creation, content presentation, and content analysis is inextricably linked with intelligence. However, in order to achieve the highest level of independence in the meta-world, the world needs AI expertise to break down screenwriting barriers and provide deeper learning and encourage learning to develop non-repetitive sports in the meta-world. An experience that players are free to explore and develop. Now, AI technology has always been a financial domain of the government, and although it got the first results after several years of development, it still cannot reach AI in the short term according to the vision of the meta. -world.

3. The mixture of reality and reality in the meta-world: augmented reality, robots and brain-computer interfaces

Additional Capabilities: Including Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), and Fusion Display (MR) experience, all designed to provide a more immersive experience for players in the meta-world. . Now there is significant competition in the virtual reality industry, and AR technology has also developed a number of excellent products with great support from Apple's developer ecology. MR is a design of Microsoft, and there are products that can be showcased. The prospects for improvement are exhilarating as they expand reality.

Robots: Robots have become an alternative way to connect the meta-world through physical simulation.

Brain-to-Computer Interface: Brain-to-computer interface technology has become a staple of tech companies, but is now widely used in medicine.

4. The metamonde map: the digital twin

Digital Twins is the creation of twins of real objects in a virtual space. The meta-world wants digital twins to create a vibrant environment and create a sense of survival. The development of digital twins continues to signal improvements, and the product closest to our lives is Baidu DuMix AR. It is believed that over the next 4-5 years, digital twin technology will explode.

5. Metaverse Authentication Mechanism: Blockchain

Virtual assets and decentralization technology ensure the optimization, distribution, concentration and virtual identity recognition of the blockchain in the metaverse, so that the blockchain technology is also an important part of the use of the metaverse. However, the development of blockchain is still in its infancy, and governance issues are also a major issue for the development of decentralized technology.


While the concept of the Meta Universe is not yet clear, that does not prevent it from being the focus of capital and public opinion. The world is currently in the development phase of Web 3.0 Internet.

This exchange interaction began to attract Web 2.0 companies such as Facebook, which switched to Metaverse and changed its name to "Meta". Other large Web 2.0 tech companies may need to start exploring Metaverse to remain competitive, which has led to new investments in new cryptocurrencies such as Metaverse.

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However, a major change in a particular industry or industry is the result of consolidation of industries, and there are clear signs of it. It seems to be a trap of capitalism.

The pursuit of the future improvement of mankind must be supported by all and keep a careful eye on the subject of science. The meta-world that has been mentioned so far is really close to the human goal, and this vision is not only to have human confidence in the development of technology, but there are also hopes of people who want to make many dreams come true.

However, we should also be aware that the real meta advantage is still a long way off, after all, there are a lot of technologies still in development and a lot of important issues with endurance technology that haven't been addressed.

Some concern about the meta world

The downside to something new like the meta world should be a theme that can't be ignored. The sensation in today's world is bright and dazzling. While it can take people to a whole new world, it takes a long time to play and rehearse. Then there are some concerns about the future development of the meta-world that we need to take into account. this.

1. Against the exploitation of capital

Some say the metaverse is a trap for capitalists, but this is not unfounded. In the game, every user is a player after all. If the meta-world changes over time, we can live in a meta-world. Then every minute of the game in the meta-world works, and production becomes more stable. inside. in the hands of the platform. The most important thing is that the games and the winnings make us lose sight of the playing and working areas, scramble the investment resources and make our users feel the same.

2. About monopoly capital

Today, large companies in many industries are developing the metaverse, so why? Is it because you see the meta edge as a future improvement? Of course, not everything, but I think the competition for material in the meta world is the most important reason. With the development of Metaverse, a model will gradually emerge in this means of production in the hands of several companies. But in real life, Meituan is at least under government control when Meituan monopolizes it. In the metaverse, capital is only allowed to function and ordinary users can spend their time working in large companies without any legal protection.

3. Decentralization mechanism ≠ Decentralization tshwm sim

The essence of meta-worlds is peer-to-peer collaboration, which in turn reflects the problem of support, the need for platform intermediaries. But in reality, keeping virtual assets is more and more fair for investors and large companies, isn't it the business in full distribution?

4. About care

Since there can be no rules and regulations, and no oversight, the Metaverse can lead to financial constraints and even potential disasters, so Metaverse will not have many country-ruled impact during its future development.

5. Financial risks and risks

In addition to the above concerns, the financial risk and the risk of drug addiction also call for vigilance. Today, the game still runs the risk of falling into the trap, not to mention the meta-world that is very familiar to it. Today's virtual world is not like that. It has become real now. Now, there were people stuck there during modeling, but when the meta-world arrived, could humans really balance the relationship between virtual and real? ?


While this article focuses on weak meta-globalization and some inevitable problems, that doesn't mean the future of meta-globalization is bleak. The concept of the meta-world is so extreme that I want to disappoint everyone with this post.

But the digitization model is irreversible, so we have to believe that the metaverse will give us a new future. But new things have to go down one step at a time, and the meta world is no exception. It requires rain and repeated procedures. Creating global meta-based technology takes a lot of time and patience.

The road is blocked, the length and the line are arriving! I believe that one day I will be able to shop, shop and chat in the meta-world with friends that I have traveled thousands of miles, and travel and explore distances I have never been before. The wonders of the world together ...


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