Lightspeed Venture Partners: What Does the Future of Web 3 Games Look Like?

金色财经 view 12874 2021-12-16 09:52
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Ubisoft recently announced the announcement of the NFT gaming platform and the release of a trailer for the NFT platform. Lightspeed Ventures partner Amy Wu posted an article explaining how 3A developers should adapt to Web3 games and what future Web3 games will look like.

1. I recently opted for Slush 2021 available in Northern Europe. I am thinking of the future of web3 games. Home to some of the best gaming companies in the world (Supercell, King, Minecraft ...). Web3 depends on everyone's heart. Then there was the NFT video incident where Ubisoft removed the NFT, and the Discord incident repeated itself.

2. Ubisoft recently released a trailer for the NFT platform, initially released by 3A advertisers, but has been criticized by gamers. Ubisoft quickly removes the posted video. Every tweet that supports Ubisoft seems to have 10 negative connotations. Why is this happening and can it be overcome?

3. First of all, despite the fact that Ubisoft is boldly taking the first step towards NFT,The replacement web2 industry should keep the spirit of involvement and involvement of the web3 community as soon as possible.. Why is this really good for gamers? Neither they nor the staff should be surprised.

4. Second, most of the gambling players around the world don't understand how blockchain works, so the unexplained lack of legitimacy for lost assets can be dangerous and not good for players.

5. Third, many players think of NFTs as bad things. This is due to dissatisfaction with fraud and coercion, the lowest DTV rate is reaching incredible levels, environmental concerns and other reasons.

6. This is a legitimate concern. Some environmental issues like today can be addressed by training stake priests such as Solana, Polygon and later Eth 2.0. Others want to go from "gamefi" to "games".

7. Some people celebrate the exorbitant cost of selling in-game land and increase the value of tokens / NFTs 100 times. I am very worried. This has left many newbie website 3 players frustrated with the lack of resources that can be scaled down or with in-game purchases. This is not the spirit of web3 freedom.

8. Amazing items and gadgets belonging to a few anti-sports runners who are trying to entertain thousands of people.In return for celebrating token / NFT value, we need to make players more engaged and use blockchain strategies to improve the player experience..

9,The first stage of the Web3 game is P2E, which is characterized by the achievement of money wins. But most will be unsustainable.. Neither the game nor the trading token were created. However, with the guild budget being very high, P2E will allow players to enter and exit as a farmer in DeFi.

dix,The second phase of the web3 game is defined as a great game with blockchain design tools., designed to enhance the player experience. They can come from mature sports broadcasters or independent studios. Or in a sports club.

11. Mobile F2P was first criticized by hardcore AAAs, but today it is the biggest and fastest gaming console and still available for web3 games. New Web3 game developers will update and create a new player audience.

12. Two years ago, gamers were perfected, played, traded and bought digital assets. I also hope they have fun when they use web3.


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Tags: Web3 育碧
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