Data: Changes in the public sector could push Bitcoin prices to new highs

Redblock Inc view 35 2020-7-12 23:25
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Data shows that major changes in the public sector and currency regulations could push the value of Bitcoin to new highs. Organizations will also play an important role as they can provide the most accessible access for new retailers and businesses investing in Bitcoin. It is realistic to think of Bitcoin as a new asset.

Bitcoin (BTC) has been stable for a month, while other altcoins like ETHereum (ETH) and Chainlink (LINK) have outperformed Bitcoin. Bitcoin volatility has hit its lowest level since November 2018.

In addition, according to data from CryptoCompare, the USDT and USD transaction volume of Bitcoin fell by 56% and 44% respectively, while the global cryptocurrency transaction volume fell by 49.3% in June. .

While some have pointed out that these key points are the start of Bitcoin's downward price trend, there are some issues that still deserve our attention. According to a recent report by Stack Funds,Changes in the public sector can push the value of Bitcoin quickly to new heights.

The report uses data from Coindance to show that 50% of Bitcoin traders are thousands of years old. Given the rapid pace of financial transformation of two generations, Stack FundsThe new millennial financial freedom can build on the purchase of Bitcoin by generations of young traders.

As millennials reach their peak of capital growth, we believe this tech-savvy group will make a big difference in the public sector, increasing their interest in investing in Bitcoin.


Bitcoin held by age group Source: Stack Funds

Can Baby Boomers Buy Bitcoin?

The report also notes that generations are thinking more about Bitcoin and digital assets.This phenomenon may further strengthen Bitcoin's position as a capital investment asset.

According to a survey of the Canadian population, the share of Bitcoin held by baby boomers (56-76 years) has tripled in the past year. The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) recorded similar gains in a recent research report, which found an increase in the number of 35-year-olds holding Bitcoin.

The evolution of investment capital to a new generation and the interest of existing investors in Bitcoin can help push the value of Bitcoin to new heights.

Sister tab,Organizations will also play an important role as they can provide the most convenient access for new retailers and businesses investing in Bitcoin..

According to the report:

While protecting investors, we find that part of the purchase reflects the need for Gen X parents and baby boomers to make long-term investments for their future offspring.

There are currently not enough options to join many organizations, even those who wish to invest their pensions in Bitcoin.

Young entrepreneurs like to be responsible entrepreneurs.

According to a recent Morgan Stanley study, over 80% of investors want to invest in relationship knowledge.It means that they are ready to invest their money in activities that can benefit the world and people.

In addition to the gift of technology, millennials are increasingly concerned with social issues such as racism and climate change, and perhaps more recent financial calculations. maker will be one of their goals.

Cryptocurrencies can solve many of the problems millennials are now discovering in financial markets.It is realistic to think of Bitcoin as a new asset.


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