Gemini will invest $ 400 million in funding to make a big impact in the world.

Cointelegraph中文 view 35 2021-11-19 17:01
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Gemini, the Winklevoss brothers' cryptocurrency exchange, will allocate $ 400 million in cash to "turn the Gemini experience into a multi-faceted meta-universe."

On November 18, Gemini announced that it had finalized a market cap of $ 400 million worth $ 7.1 billion, the first time the company had sought outside funding. Morgan Creek Digital has also led companies with 10T, ParaFi, Newflow Partners and Marcy Venture Partners.

It should be noted that the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, which is working with Gemini to develop the first cryptocurrency trading service provided by Australia's fourth largest bank, also supports finance.

The statement said, "With this fundraiser, Gemini will continue to bring simple, innovative and safe products to market and facilitate the expansion of the area."

In the "Forbes" the dialog has been published on November 18, Wamelvoss relatives to expand the twin parts for comfort.

Tyler points out that the business is not about creating more "positions" in "physical reality", but expanding it through multiple metacosms.

"We want to take the Gemini experience to another meta edge. You can access Gemini and the marketplace, but it will be accessible and not mobile."

According to Forbes, the brothers will own 75% of Gemini and Sachin Jaitly, the general partner of Morgan Creek, will join the board of directors as part of the company's $ 75 million investment in the cryptocurrency platform.

The move will see the duo once again compete with Mark Zuckerberg, whom he has argued in court for the past decade over his Facebook membership. The brothers sued Zuckerberg in 2004, accusing him of stealing their intellectual property to create Facebook, and in 2011 they reached $ 65 million in court.

“However, unlike the interim plans that companies like Facebook and Fortnite have put in place for the metaverse, the Gemini lens is one way we believe it will give more development room for our users,” Cameron told Forbes.

"But there's another way. It's an expansion of the meta-world. It's a meta-world where we believe we have more choice, more freedom, and more potential and technology to protect rights and the dignity of persons. "

“A fair decision is a specter,” Cameron said. "We look forward to continuing to agree."

The brothers took over the country of the meta edge sandbox in early April, and Tyler pointed out when he planned to set up the cryptocurrency exchange and Gemini's NFT marketplace, Nifty Gateway, in the virtual world centering on the Game.


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