今天早上收到了ngzhang 。同时还收到了蝴蝶实验室的邮件更新,说他们开始发货了。其实以前我们已经报道过的新闻,这封BFL邮件的意义在于:他们可能开始大批量发货了。
我们BitForce SC ASIC矿机已经开始航运!
如果你不知道,你可以在我们的网站上查询您的订单状态。点击这里登录(https://products.butterflylabs.com/customer/account/),使用您在BFL的邮件地址和密码。 如果你忘记了密码,请使用“忘记密码”功能来创建一个新密码。
我们的比特币矿机使用的是第三代SHA256引擎,基于最新的半导体技术构建,是一个复杂的多年投资。 开发一个完全定制的65nm ASIC处理器,不是一个随便的承诺。事实上,新产品提高了挖掘速度。这么多的进步得来不易,公平地说,开发过程并不是一帆风顺的。 关键问题一直是相关工程,因为矿机要耗费比预期更大的功率。一个很好的例子是小辣椒产品(BFL Jalapeno)。它最初被设计由USB供电,但现在必须消耗的功率相当于一盏小灯泡(30W)。
请注意,由于上述调整,我们需要您的确认才能将订单释放到最终建立队列,并最终交付您的订单。它也可能是一个很好的机会来审视您的购买,因为这是最后的机会,这样做完全相对的Bitcoin市场。如果您的订单没有得到确认,将被取消,你的钱将退还。 谢谢您的支持,我们希望您对您的产品非常满意!
Easy Miner测试版发布
一个简单的易于使用的挖矿软件,有着图形用户界面和实时的Bitcoin的统计,适用于Windows和Android的开发。 Linux版本即将推出。点击这里下载并参与公测。(https://forums.butterflylabs.com/easyminer-support/2241-easyminer-beta-release-windows-android-linux-coming-soon.html)
标题:Butterfly Labs Shipping Update
BFL Products Shipping Now
May 1, 2013
Dear xxx,
Shipping of our BitForce SC ASIC miners has begun!
You may have seen news reports of our ASIC miners in the wild and some of you may have already taken delivery. It's all true. We're finally shipping. You will receive your order as we work through the shipping queue .
If you didn't know, you can check your order status on our website. Log in by clicking here. Use the same email and password you set up your account with.
If you don't have your password, use the Lost Password function to create a new one.
So what took so long?
This third generation of our SHA256 engine was a complex multi-year investment in bringing the latest semiconductor technology to bitcoin mining.
Developing a fully custom 65nm ASIC processor is not a casual undertaking. In fact, the new products have improved mining speed by a factor of 72. This much advancement doesn't come easy and it's fair to say that getting here has been eventful.
The key issue has been the engineering related to accommodating larger power draws than expected. A good example is the Jalapeno product. It was originally designed to be powered by USB but now consumes the power of a small light bulb (30w).
Consequently the power regulator, enclosure, airflow and PCB needed upgrading to suit. Although we are *very* aware of the undesirable dynamics of any delay, we were nonetheless obligated to make these updates in order to deliver a reliable product at the expected performance. The same adjustments have been made with all products in the lineup. You can see the adjusted product cases in our currently posted product lineup. (The Mini Rig case will be double shipped to satisfy their orders which is why we've run out Mini Rig enclosure stock).
Final confirmation is required
Please be advised that due to the adjustments described above, we need your confirmation prior to release of your order into the final build queue and on to final delivery. It may also be a good time to review your purchase altogether relative to the bitcoin market as this is the last opportunity to do so. If your order is not confirmed, it will be canceled and your money will be refunded.
Thank you for your support and we wish you great satisfaction with your product!
Jalapenos Out the Door
Packaged for its adventure to a new home. Bye Jalapeno! Your owner eagerly awaits your arrival.
Easy Miner Beta Release
An easy way to mine with a GUI and real-time Bitcoin statistics, developed for Windows and Android. Linux version coming soon. Download and participate in the beta by clicking here.
New Single Form Factor
The new form factor for the Single. The new body offers room for performance growth while keeping things ultra cool.

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