Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • ETH
  • ERC20
You control your private keys
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


MyEtherWallet, or MEW wallet for short, has been popular in the Ethereum circle since its launch in 2015 and has become one of the most famous Ethereum wallets. MEW Wallet is a web-based service that allows you to control Your funds. It is used to safely store, send and receive Ether and ERC-20 tokens, and to interact with smart contracts.

The service provides its users with an address (public address) where users can receive coins and tokens from anyone. It also provides users with a shortcut to send coins via a private key (secret password).

Pros and cons

Compared with other online wallets, MEW wallet provides Better security and more control over your own wallet and private keys. When you use the MEW wallet, you will not use typical login information, such as site accounts or passwords, or store information on the site. Another advantage of the MEW wallet is that it provides support for ERC-20 tokens. Finally, it is easy to use, even for the first time, due to its unimpressive but very practical GUI.

In terms of disadvantages, MEW wallet does not support a wide range of devices, because it can only be used as a web application and as a Chrome extension. In addition, the wallet only provides Enter the channel of the Ethereum blockchain. Therefore, it cannot be used with other products.