Trust Wallet
Trust Wallet
Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • ETH
  • ERC20
  • ETC
  • POA
  • GO
  • VET
  • TRX
  • WAN
  • CLO
+ 5 币种
You control your private keys
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


Trust Wallet is an iOS (open source) and Android (closed source) wallet for Ethereum and other Ethereum-based tokens. Trust Wallet stores your private keys locally and has open source And audited code. It also has a decentralized exchange provided by the Kyber network (the second quarter of 2018). On February 8, due to security reasons, the Trust wallet team decided to transfer the Android version of the Trust Wallet application to closed-source development .

Trust Wallet was acquired by Binance in July 2018. It will natively support Binance DEX and Binance Chain in the first quarter of 2019. It also supports ETC/POA DApps, and will soon add support for Tron DApps.

Trust Wallet, developed by Viktor Radchenko, also indicates that Binance may Add a mobile wallet to its services. Trust Wallet is the premier mobile Ethereum wallet that can be used with any ERC20, ERC223 and ERC721 tokens. Trust Wallet also supports the main blockchains in the Ethereum ecosystem-Ethereum, Ethereum Classic and Callisto. Currently, more than 20,000 tokens built on Ethereum can be accessed through the Trust Wallet application.

Trust provides users with a unified The wallet address can be used to manage Ethereum and all tokens. This means that you can use the same address to participate in ICOs or airdrops, as well as send and receive Ethereum. Trust is intuitive, easy to understand, but full of a lot of useful features.

Trust puts the safety and anonymity of users first. Our main principle:

The serverless environment fully localizes each installed application

The client-based infrastructure ensures that the key is stored locally on your device

Bank-level security to protect your numbers Protect assets from potential threats

Application-level authentication system prevents unauthorized access through unlocked devices