Full node
Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • ETH
You control your private keys
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


The founder of Parity is Gavin Wood, the co-founder of Ethereum. After completing the development of the Ethereum Yellow Paper and early core code, Gavin established Parity Technologies and developed the Parity Ethereum client. Parity is developed based on Rust. Rust is known for its high-efficiency asynchronous I/O model, which makes Parity better than the official client in terms of performance. In the second half of 2016, the entire Ethereum network was continuously attacked by DDOS, the official geth client The client cannot work, and Parity, which has just been launched, is still able to run, causing a large number of Ethereum nodes to switch to using the Parity client. Parity has optimized the data of the early blocks of Ethereum, so the synchronization speed is much faster than the official client. Parity has built-in consensus engines such as PoA and Tendermint. It is very easy for individual developers or companies to create their own blockchain based on Ethereum. Parity’s graphical client is also very supportive for contract development, debugging, and contract calling. Developers can get started with smart contracts more easily. Parity integrates some useful special functions, such as sending transactions regularly, quickly switching various test networks, etc.