Ease of use
Extra Services
Supported coins
  • BTC
  • LTC
  • ETH
  • BCH
  • EOS
  • VEN
  • OMG
  • TRX
  • ICON
+ -9 币种
You control your private keys
Hierarchical Deterministic
Open Source
2 Factor Authentication


Citowise Wallet is a multi-currency wallet for private and corporate customers, which enables users to gain mainstream adoption and use of global cryptocurrencies.

Citowise is one of the few secure and decentralized wallets because it does not retain private user keys. This positions the Citowise wallet as a means to access and trade the blockchain.

Simple thought

An extremely simple user interface, no blocks required Technical knowledge of chain network.

Integrated communication

A simple interface , The right to convert one cryptocurrency to other currencies, from the wallet to a comprehensive exchange of your choice.

Security and privacy

< p style="text-align: left;">A completely unique and secure multi-currency wallet integrated with Ledger and Trezor.

Buy cryptocurrency

Buy cryptocurrency directly from the wallet at the lowest cost in the market.

ICO platform

A unique solution to safely participate in multiple cryptocurrency ICOs with a hardware wallet.

Support all (40 000+) tokens compatible with the ERC20 standard.

✓Trading history  ;

Transaction status notification 

Support multiple wallets 

Calculate the specific amount you want to contribute.

Use the integrated exchange to redeem your tokens later.

Convert and send funds in seconds

Get funds inflow Notification

Switch currencies instantly

Have full access to your account Personal control.

Citowise Wallet has never transferred the backup phrase or private key to any server or other device. The only exception is during the backup process of the wallet owner, accompanied by corresponding security warnings. This sensitive information is stored on the device in encrypted form to prevent unauthorized access. The citowise wallet can guarantee that the security of the wallet is at least the same as the device it is running on.

Citowise--"make encrypted payment a part of daily life"